21 children, 2-4 years old. Our first editions of the 66 Dental colouring books were given to the children – “Hygiene Squad”, which the children thoroughly enjoyed. They were also taught how to brush their teeth.
Our nurses Kirsty and Sarah both spent a damp Friday evening running the first ever “Twilight” Race For Life at 8pm on Southampton Common. Kirsty managed to park the wrong side of the common and they pretty much walked the entire course before getting to the start line! Aside from that, they finished the race and raised 200 pounds for Cancer Research UK. Next year they will be entering again and bringing the rest of the girls from 66 with them!
Our very own Adam and Leo participated in Petersfield Up And Down (PUAD) bicycle charity ride! The boys decided to take on the best as they chose the 30 mile course instead of the 20 mile (ouch) but they made it across the finish line to be greeted by Sarah and Heidi in the glorious afternoon sunshine! Unfortunately Sarah didn’t have time to get a photo as (quote) “I wasn’t expecting them to finish so quickly”! Haha - well done boys!
Our first Facebook status went up this morning and our first likes came in. we’ve also linked our Facebook and Twitter so that if we put an offer on either one, it will show up on the other; don’t miss out on an offer again! Follow us at Facebook 66 Dental
Our Twitter page goes live the same day as we saw the Olympic torch go through the town. Excitement was shared and a lot of ####hash- tagging commenced! New twitter page @66_Dental
Start late – Olympic torch procession through Petersfield! Exciting morning, all the locals came out and lined the streets to watch the torch go past, including us! We had our banners out in readiness for the procession. As our first patients arrived at 10am the excitement was still going and continued for the rest of the day.
Family meeting through lunch to discuss current issues and share ideas around. If there is an area where we can improve, we will always try to!
Our Junior Dental Assistant Kirsty has passed her Dental exams and will be registering with the GDC (General Dental Council) this year!
How much sugar is there in it? Sixty Six Dental has created a guide for you to download.
Thursday, 01 November 2018
Friday, 21 September 2018
Friday, 21 September 2018
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
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